POE6 – Shattered, Bubblez Design, Ub Yifu Gallery, *Finishing Touches*

POE6 Post 36 Shattered, Bubblez, Ub Yifu Gallery, Finishing Touches

POE6 Post 36 Shattered, Bubblez, Ub Yifu Gallery, Finishing Touches 1

This year I am trying to think kinder of cats.  I am spending a lot of remedial time with pinterest and looking at all the cute pictures of fuzzy kittens and every time I start to grimace, SocElfky pokes me with a sharp stick.  So I was very grateful that Bratty Slade of Shattered included some ears and a tail.  I can always do better at things when I get into costume.  I just wish my teachers at school had been more understanding.  I am sure sex class could have been so much more fun had I been allowed to wear my pasties and g string and done the whole stripper thing.  Visual.  Some of those kids were visual learners.

I still struggled with the whole cat thing so then I put on the angel outfit from Milo Bubble of Bubblez and tried to be an angelic cat … doing good deeds, maybe some magic tricks with some bunnies abandoned by the side of a Christmas tree … anything that could help me reach my goal to stop hating cats.

POE6 Post 36 Shattered, Bubblez, Ub Yifu Gallery, Finishing Touches 3
Then I got reallllllly hot and thank heavens that 24Karat Roux of Finishing Touches supplied me with this lovely swimming pool/fountain so I could cool off and everything while I practiced and continued to get poked with a sharp stick or a shark or whatever it was that was ouchy and pointy and being wielded by the Sock Puppet Monkey Elf dude masquerading as Santa’s Elf Gestapo in charge of the naughty and nice corral for Christmas.
He finally gave up on me and handed me another present from under the POE Christmas tree and I was so moved I started to cry.  I got an Asian Lady.   My very own Asian Lady from Ubi Yifu Galleries.  I love my Asian Lady.  She is my best friend ever.  I am going to call her “Fluffy.”
She doesn’t judge me for hating cats, she listens when I talk and best of all ….
POE6 Post 36 Shattered, Bubblez, Ub Yifu Gallery, Finishing Touches 2
She spent the whole afternoon swimming with me in the angel pool.
I think cats are the hell we have to go through before we get to where Santa blesses us with the true meaning of Christmas … our very own friend that doesn’t even shrink when wet ….


EARS AND TAIL:  Shattered for POE 6
DRESS:  Bubblez  BB – Angel Outfit for POE 6
AVATAR ASIAN LADY:  ub yifu gallery for POE 6
FOUNTAIN:  Finishing Touches *FT* Angel of Peace Sanctum  for POE 6


POE6 – DaneMarkZ

POE6 Post 34 DaneMarkZ

POE6 Post 34 DaneMarkZ 1

I like wandering around in the snow in my evening gowns because it works much better for your self esteem.  The thing is … if you have no friends, no life, no lover, no social life … the only reason that sucks is that other people know and they point at you when you go to Walmart and say things like “Look there is that loser again who has not friends, no live, no lover, no social life.”

POE6 Post 34 DaneMarkZ 2

The trick is to fool them.

So you get all dressed up in expensive gowns and get your hair done and stuff and you go out and you wander around in the snow.  People either think you are waiting for your lover for a romantic tryst or that you are a beautiful recluse and they should go home and write a novel like Wuthering Heights because they just saw you and they will never be able to get you out of their mind OR breathe again unless they either paint you or write a novel that will become a classic and be made into some kind of an HBO movie that everyone will rave about for years to come.

Thank heavens I had this dress from Hannah Daviau of DaneMarkZ!

POE6 Post 34 DaneMarkZ 3
I told the freaking Sock Monkey Elf poser to lose the hat and that if he even thought about standing next to me I would forgo turkey and have stuffed monkey for Christmas dinner.
I didn’t want anyone thinking he was my date … although .. compared to some of the options in SL … that might be a big improvement …
O.M.G!!!  Did I just type that out loud??????
LOCATION:  Winter Moon

POE6 – PRISM Designs, Tonic, Timeless Designs, Geniwian, !-[LoveFactory], Cat & Dragon

POE6 Post 32 Prism, Tonic, Timeless Design, Geniwian, Love Factory, Cat & Dragon

POE6 Post 32  Prism, Tonic, Timeless Design, Geniwian, Love Factory, Cat & Dragon 1

The SocElfky wanted a puppy.  Have you ever tried to say “no” to a Sock Monkey?  Well then times that by 5000 for one that thinks he is an elf and that he is the boss of everybody.  I have never heard a tantrum thrown quite like that in my whole life.  We weren’t even in a pet store.  The poor little kid just handed over his puppy because he just needed the insanity to stop.


POE6 Post 32  Prism, Tonic, Timeless Design, Geniwian, Love Factory, Cat & Dragon 2


This lovely yellow party dress is by Journey McLaglen from Prism and the shoes from Fizz Savira of Tonic match it perfectly.  I really like the textures in the dress and yellow is an unexpected bit of colour for the holidays.  JoJo Lowe of Timeless Designs has gifted everyone with a delicate jewellery set in softer tones.


I love the whimsy of a big cup of hot chocolate with candy canes and a wee panda bear hanging off the side of the cup – done by LoveFactory Violet of Love Factory.


The rocking chair is by Kira Spaatz of Geniwian and the wreath and candle which come in different sizes, is made by Clowey Greenwood of Cat and Dragon.
POE6 Post 32  Prism, Tonic, Timeless Design, Geniwian, Love Factory, Cat & Dragon 3

The Sock Monkey is nowhere near as loveable as an elf is.  I think it sucks I got stuck with one.  It brings back all my childhood nightmares and the sock monkeys that people made for us kids.  Those things just sit there and leer at you.  I am pretty sure that is the same leer that most axe murderers use and it is not festive at all.  And now my sock monkey has a “horse.”
I never for the pony I wanted from Santa.
Just saying I am feeling kind of bitter that axe murdering sock monkeys matter more than some little kid crying herself to sleep because there was no pony under the tree.

DRESS:  Prism Babe by Journey – Goldie for POE 6
SHOES:   Tonic  for POE 6
JEWELLERY:  Crystal Magic by Timeless Design  for POE 6
CHAIR:  Geniwian  for POE 6
WREATH AND CANDLE: Cat & Dragon Candle & Wreath  for POE 6
CUP:  !-[LoveFactory]- Teddy on Candy Cane cup for POE 6



POE6 – PurpleMoon Creations, Vogue Fashion Pulse, Elysium Skins & Apparel, ~*Star Kindler Designs*~, Sleepy Hollow Farms

POE6 Post 29 Star Kindler Designs, Vogue, Elysium, Purple Moon Creations, Sleepy Hollow Farms

POE6 Post 29 Star Kindler Designs, Vogue,  Elysium, Purple Moon Creations, Sleepy Hollow Farms 1

Hey look at the awesome bench from Pattye Caproni of Sleepy Hollow Farms.  I am a believer!!

I kind of threw together this outfit.  I am pretty proud of it.  Cowboy hats and knit sweaters are big where I come from.  I love this combo from Poulet Koenkamp or Purple Moon Creations.  It was really different and unexpected from her and I plan on wearing them with pride.  The only thing better would have been if she had done a moose head sweater!!  I would have cried then.

POE6 Post 29 Star Kindler Designs, Vogue,  Elysium, Purple Moon Creations, Sleepy Hollow Farms 2
Elbereth Nightfire of Star Kindler Designs made us this really sweet little brooch.  If you wear it you get to pinch everyone’s cheeks – not THOSE cheeks!!   Zalyn Bailey of Vogue did these super cool pants which just scream cowgirl to me … I mean hand me a horse and I am gone to where the deer and the antelope play complete with a piece of straw dangling out of my mouth and some tobacco to chew.  Where else do you get to role play anything but with so much class???
Aleida Rhode for Elysium gifts us with both red and green shoes for your SLink Medium feet!
POE6 Post 29 Star Kindler Designs, Vogue,  Elysium, Purple Moon Creations, Sleepy Hollow Farms 3

So as you can see the Schmelf’s replacement came.  I think I should be insulted because I suspect he is not an elf at all.  He looks a lot like a sock monkey to me or a Barbie doll … I always get those two mixed up.   I found him in the dirty laundry fondling some of the other socks.  I hope he is house broken.

SWEATER AND HAT:  Purple Moon  :: PM :: Pampa Sweater + Hat in Black MESH  for POE 6
PANTS:  Vogue for POE 6
PIN:  ~*Star Kindler*~ Floral Drop Pin – Earth for POE 6
SHOES:  Elyisum – Billie pumps  – for POE 6
BENCH:  BELIEVE BENCH Sleepy Hollow Farms for POE 6

POE6 – ~*~ Inspired ~*~, 69 Park Ave, ChiChickie! Hair Salon

POE6 Post 28 69 Park Avenue, ChiChickie!, Inspired

POE6 Post 28  69 Park Avenue, ChiChickie!, Inspired 1

Here I am at the bridge waiting for the new replacement for Schmelf.  They just said “go to the bridge, someone will contact you there … the password is ‘the black condor.'”  Thank heavens that Krysta Ember of Inspired made us all a bridge complete with poses for the POE hunt this year.

Chiana Meredith of ChiChikie!has offered this cap with hair for me or women and Silexe Core of 69 Park Avenue has given us this toasty warm coat, scarf and jeans … it is supposed to be for guys but hey guys wear our stuff so what the heck right?  At least I am not trying to date someone pretending to be a guy. (although Schmelf told me I was flat enough to pass for a boy or a wooden soldier or even an ironing board.  Did I mention that Schmelf is no longer with me at the moment and a replacement is coming??)

POE6 Post 28  69 Park Avenue, ChiChickie!, Inspired 2
I got a lot of hang up calls.  I am pretty sure I could hear heavy reindeer breathing and some hoof scuffing in the background.  Those elves and those reindeer are pretty tight.  I think Schmelf might have taken a hit out on me.  If I am found dead in a ditch with hoof imprints all over my face … tell the police to look for the little guy in the red suit.
HAIR AND HAT:  ChiChickie! for POE 6
CLOTHES:  69 Park Ave – for POE 6
BRIDGE AND POSES:  ~*~ Inspired ~*~ Peace On Earth Winter Bridge for POE 6

POE6 – Couture Chapeau, {{BSD Design studio}}, Sassy!, Dahlinks

POE6 Post 22 Couture Chapeau, BSD Design Studio, Sassy, Dahlinks

POE6 Post 22 Couture Chapeau, BSD Design Studio, Sassy, Dahlinks 1

Couture Chapeau has created this awesome top hat which I think is magical on account of the fact that when I put it on I feel like I can command elephants and tigers!!

POE6 Post 22 Couture Chapeau, BSD Design Studio, Sassy, Dahlinks 2

BabyChampagne Sass of BSD Design Studio put in these awesome peep toes which, like all her shoes, are fab and your toes are always soooo excited when they get to peep.  Who doesn’t love peeping??    Ivy Burner of Sassy did this beautiful Asian inspired dress that is just so pretty and different for your Holiday Season.  Nice to have some other colours to choose from.

Alexandra Nichols of Dahlinks designed a Unisex bracelet that goes with absolutely everything and can carry dress up and more casual looks.

Schmelf found a friend.  I didn’t want to point out that he wasn’t really nodding along with everything Schmelf said, it is just that he is missing some of his stuffing and his head flops.  That tends to happen to Teddy bears quite often.   I think this could be some of the issues with some men I know … I mean it would be the same right?  Not enough brains … floppy head ….

POE6 Post 22 Couture Chapeau, BSD Design Studio, Sassy, Dahlinks 3
I am encouraging Schmelf to make new friends.  There are other people out here besides Elves and reindeer.  I think it is healthy.  I told him as soon as I saw the note that the bear wanted him to go flying with him that he should hitch his star right on up to that helium balloon and go for it.
Now I just have to convince him to drop the bear and he will be somewhere over the rainbow in no time ….  There are bluebirds over there and I can hear them calling his name ….
HAT:  Couture Chapeau for POE 6
DRESS:  SASSY Qipao Dress for POE 6
BRACELET:  dahlinks bracelet Dreamtme Unisex for POE 6
SHOES:  {{BSD Design studio}}IT girl-shinning black In  for POE 6

POE6 – Ample Avi – Full Figure Shapes, BlueMoon Enterprise

POE6 Post 21 Ample Avi, Blue Moon Enterprise

POE6 Post 21 Ample Avi, Blue Moon Enterprise 1
Xme Xui of Ample Avi created this shape for her Christmas gift under the POE tree.  I paired it with this exquisitely detailed gown from Solas with Blue Moon Enterprise.  You have butterfly like angels, stars and sparkles and O little Town of Bethlehem or the little mountain cabin love nest  (your call) all in your dress!!  Who needs a purse???
POE6 Post 21 Ample Avi, Blue Moon Enterprise 2
I miss snow at Christmas time … I mean just for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I love the “nesting feeling” where you snuggle in around a fire and your whole family is there …. Grandma screaming from the bedroom that she can’t find her dentures … one of the kids throwing up on the new bedding you just bought … Uncle Elmer passed out under the tree somewhere … the other kids high on candy fighting over who gets to pick the cookies for Santa and dad watching hockey and having a swell time while you cry that you will never make it through the night ….
It just screams … THIS is the best night ever!!!  Well next to that second week in January when all the bills come in and you wonder what the hell you were thinking and how can a bunch of twinkling lights and shiny stuff so mesmerize you into buying a laughing reindeer that glows in the dark, and opens its mouth so you can open beer bottles on it’s teeth would be a good idea for the rec room??  THAT day is pretty epic too.
POE6 Post 21 Ample Avi, Blue Moon Enterprise 3
Anyway be quiet because this girl elf showed up last night saying she had baked “brownies” for Schmelf and they are somewhere in my dress … “eating them” and doing a whole lot of laughing ….  (he went with the little cabin in the woods love nest theme).
SHAPE:  Ample Avi for POE 6
OUTFIT:  Blue Moon Enterprise BMe Peace on Earth Dress for POE 6

POE6 – Dressed by Lexi, Chop Zuey Couture Jewellery, MALT, Joyus Living

POE6 Post 19 Dressed by Lexi, Chop Zuey, MALT, Joyus Living

POE6 Post 19 Dressed by Lexi, Chop Zuey, Malt, LM Malaspina 1

O have been Dressed by Lexi – Lexi Roxan.  Love the green.  Really feeling the green.  I am calm … notice how Christmas is red as in frenzied, heightened out of control emotions and then green calm and peaceful … am I the only one who sees this theme as being schizophrenic?  And clearly the parents and the kids particularly are on the red side and …. hmmm … who is on the green side?  Besides Silent Night who is calm???

POE6 Post 19 Dressed by Lexi, Chop Zuey, Malt, LM Malaspina 2
Belle Roussel of Chop Zuey takes the green theme into the ethereal and adds blue and creates this lovely holiday jewellery set for your special dates or your favourite TV show, or even you favourite chips and dips and eggnog … any one of those would be worthy.
Khea Karas of Malt offers this gorgeous dinner ring which goes with everything because you know what … it is white and white is a beautiful colour and it goes with everything and is virginal and pure and does not drive people to madness or sleep.
POE6 Post 19 Dressed by Lexi, Chop Zuey, Malt, LM Malaspina 3
Leandro Malaspina of LM Malaspina has created this stunning cabinet that makes you start talking proper English and typing with punctuation and capitals.  AH-mazing.  I told the Schmelf if I even think I see a tiny fingerprint on that cabinet he is gone … I don’t care what Santa or Sequoia says … some things are just off limits.
GOWN:  Dressed by Lexi ::DBL:: Opulence ~ Christmas Green for POE 6
JEWELLERY:  Chop Zuey POE Womens Gift – The Lazy Mist Set for POE 6
RING:  .:MALT:. – POE Pearl of Peace for POE 6
CABINET:  LM Malaspina for Joyus Living  – Rococo Cabinet for POE 6

POE6 – Debutante, Designs by Sebastian

POE6 Post 18 Debutante and Designs by Sebastian

POE6 Post 18 Debutante and Designs by Sebastian 1
Shenlei Winkler of Debutante offers two lovely gowns for hunters.  One silver, one gold.  Decisions, decisions.  I recommend tossing an elf … heads you go for gold … tails … silver.
POE6 Post 18 Debutante and Designs by Sebastian 2
Sebastian Dionsyus of Designs by Sebastian offers an elegant gold jewellery set.
I am not completely sure but I think that maybe, in addition to not getting any Christmas presents this year, I may be going to hell.
I told the elf he should lick the poinsettia.
He’s not feeling so well right now.
POE6 Post 18 Debutante and Designs by Sebastian 3
There is a hand basket at the front door with my name on it ….
GOWN:  Debutante Grecian Silver for POE 6
JEWELLERY:  Designs by Sebastian DbS for POE 6

POE6 – Diamond Style, *IW* Inga Wind CLothing, Beloved Jewelry

POE6 Post 17 Diamond Style, Inga Wind, Beloved Jewelry

POE6 Post 17 Diamond Style, Inga Wind, Beloved Jewelry 1

Cristal Triellis of Diamond Style has provide POE hunters this year with a lovely skin while Inga Wind has done what she does best – a beautiful Peace Angel outfit complete with the world in your hands and a dove for your shoulder.  I mean top that.

What did you get for Christmas?
The Whole World …. and a peace dove.  Stick that in your ear Mary Beth Anderson.

POE6 Post 17 Diamond Style, Inga Wind, Beloved Jewelry 2
Love the jewellery by Kmbra McMillan of Beloved Jewelry.  It comes with options for a jewel or not.  Very versatile.Hey who is in charge of the whole elf assignment anyway?  I mean there has to be what, like a trillion of the little dudes?  How come I got Mr. RulesandRighteousness instead of a cool elf like Will Ferrell?  He would have been a fun elf.  He would have led me astray.  I wanna go to astray at some point in my life.  It is on my bucket list.  How come my dreams never come true?

POE6 Post 17 Diamond Style, Inga Wind, Beloved Jewelry 3
You know they really stereotype birds.  Doves can be pretty vicious, especially if you question them on exactly how they plan on accomplishing all this peace the world attributes to them.  Like don’t get me wrong, white and fluttering wings can be pretty and soft and dreamy and shit but we kind of need like laser rays that can penetrate idiotic political brains at this point.  But kudos on your handling of the yappy elf although … it wasn’t very peaceful … there was a lot of screaming ….

SKIN:  *Diamond Style for POE 6
ANGEL OUTFIT:  Inga Wind *IW* Angel of Peace for POE 6
JEWELLERY:  Beloved Jewelry : Noel Jewelry Set for POE 6