POE6 – Xen’s Hats, DG Designs, MEB, Timeline Vintage Couture, New York Couture

POE6 Post 35 Xen’s Hats, DG Designs, MEB, Timeline Vintage Couture, New York Couture

POE6 Post 35  Xen's Hats, DG Designs, MEB, Timeline Vintage Couture, New York Couture 1

SocElfky behaves rather well when there is a cat in the room.  I told him there was not that much difference between a mouse and a monkey … for example they both start with “M.”  Ah-mazing how intelligent things sound when everyone has had enough egg nog.

Xenobia Foxclaw of Xen’s Hats added something for men or women but I like to break rules and wear the men’s stuff.  These are definite keepers for me.

The three outfits shown here come from 3 talented participants in this years POE hunt.  Melusina Parkin of MEB provide the set complete with a killer white leather jacket – very chic!  Charles2 McCaw of New York Couture does this jazzy pant suit that can be adapted for male or female, and Diaphoni Galicia of DG Designs puts her effort into a powder bluecoat, trimmed with fur and cute cute cute leggings and boots to match.

Geeb Snowpaw of Timeless Vintage Couture shares his white shoes for the hunt. I liked them with the outfits here, although they are perfect for your vintage pieces.

POE6 Post 35  Xen's Hats, DG Designs, MEB, Timeline Vintage Couture, New York Couture 2

SocElfky said I should tell all of you that he hears everything and that people going around not being nice to one another are being reported to Santa.  His advice …. “Use your words.   The way we fix problems is to go to the person directly instead of discussing it with innocent bystanders.  Most times things can be resolved.  It could simply be a misunderstanding or an innocent mistake. Complaining does not fix things, it just makes everyone else either miserable or upset too and it says way more about you than it does about the person you are complaining about.”

And then he got drunk again.

I think I will cross stitch that on his butt when he falls asleep.

HATS:   Gift from Xen’s Hats  for POE 6
OUTFIT 1:  MEB – Happy Holydays for POE 6
OUTFIT 2:  New York Couture Techni Color Dream Coat  for POE 6
OUTFIT 3:  DG Designs  Snow Princess Coat for POE 6
SHOES:   Timelines Vintage  Couture  ankle boots  for POE 6

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