POE6 – Mohna Lisa Couture, Exquisite Jewellery, Amacci, Irodori, Zen Creations

Enthusiasm For Life

Enthusiasm for LifeHair: Amacci, Klara Free *PEACE ON EARTH HUNT* . Jewelry: Exquisite, Falling Hearts set free *Peace On Earth Hunt* . Shoulder Pieces: Zibska, La Vie En Deaux **Gothmas by Gaslight*http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sium/189/225/1002 .

As you go about your travels and get closer and closer to the holiday, please take a moment to think about others. Whether it’s to drop penny’s in the bucket of a bellringer (Salvation Army) as you exit a store, or just to phone someone you know will be alone. Sometimes it’s the littlest of inconveniences that truly mean the most. So when you are buying “things,” toys that will eventually go unused, clothes that may or may not be liked, electronic gadgets that will be obsolete in a year or so, as you go about and pour your money into these endless unfulfilling voids, stop and think a moment. Could money be better spent? How about adopting an elephant? ( http://www.saveelephant.org/ ) or inworld, Eliza Wierwight Link How about throwing a gift to the JimmyV Organizationwhere 100% of you donation funds cancer research? (www.jimmyv.org ) Shoot, I’d reckon most have forgotten about Typhoon Haiyan, think about their struggles daily, they probably forgot all about the holidays just trying to survive. How about sending them the gift of hope for Christmas? ( http://www.salvationarmy.org/phl ) I’m sure any of these charities would appreciate the help and I guarantee, your gift to them would never become obsolete, unused, unwanted, or discarded.

Enthusiasm for LifeOutfit: Mohna Lisa Couture, Allure free *Peace On Earth Hunt* . Shoos: Miamai, Natur’A *L’Accessoires* .

We so often say someone is going to “get what they deserve” when they act badly. But the truth is it works with kindness too. Did you know research shows when you are kind to others, even if it’s just to acknowledge them with a “hallo,” it’s been shown to not only increase their happiness, but yours as well. More importantly though, kindness is contagious, so the person you were kind to is more likely to “pay it forward” to the next guy and so on and so forth. You plant a seed of kindness, the roots take hold, the limbs spread out further and further, along the way new trees of kindness are formed. Just imagine how wonderful the world would be if we lived in a forest shaded by comfort and kindness.

Enthusiasm for Life

Outfit/Hair: Irodori, Harmony, free *Peace on Earth Hunt* . Tree/Blocks: Zen Creations, Peace on Earth tree scene, free *Peace on Earth Hunt* . Other decorations: (tree/sleigh/bags) Storax Tree, Potted Holiday tree/Holiday Delivery/Crazy Holiday Bags/Winter Rug .

Take from? Yes, in the words of Coach Jimmy V, a NC State coach who lost his battle with cancer, “you have to have an enthusiasm for life. You have to have a dream, a goal. And you have to be willing to work for it. But most of all, don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” Well, I have a dream, a goal and I won’t ever give up, even though it is a lofty dream. In my lifetime I have a goal of saving the elephants, curing cancer and helping others. And this holiday I hope to make my dream infectious. Because you know what’s infectious during the holidays? Kindness, hope, generosity, gratitude, forgiveness, and faith. Life isn’t perfect, but sometimes, just sometimes, if we don’t ever give up, all will work out for the best. You just have to have faith.

POE6 – Amacci, Sonatta Morales

A Hero Ain’t Nothin but A Sammich

A Hero Ain't Nothin but a Sammich

Hair: Amacci, Klara **PEACE ON EARTH**. Hat: Sonatta Morales *8*, Peace Bird **PEACE ON EARTH** . Both FREE!

I know, I know. I completely stole that title from Alice Childress’s 1973 novel for young adults. What can I say, creativity isn’t coming on strong this holiday season. But it seemed perfect for this topic because I’ve learned that sometimes during tragic events a person you would least likely expect to be the hero, is. I talk a lot about how our “us” “them” frame of mind discourages true harmony in our lives. Kind of weird, in this case, I found my own thinking could have been of the “us” sort, in other words, God forbid I am one of “them.” It is known the mall massacre in Nairobi Kenya was taken out by an Al Qaeda-linked Muslim terrorist group, but this isn’t about that story. This is the story of a Christian missionary woman who decided to take her children to the mall to entertain them a few hours.


Soon after the family had eaten lunch, the two older boys wandered downstairs to a department store, the mother and three daughters (I believe aged 1,2 and about 5) began to wander down to meet the boys but before getting very far, the shooting started. Taking the natural flight response, she grabbed her girls and hid under a flimsy kiosk and for the next four hours lived with the very real terror of trying to keep her girls silent, worry for her sons, and watching the terrorists walk by shooting any live or injured person they would see. Elsewhere in the mall, a man phoned his brother and asked him to pray for him because a group was violently taking over the mall. I am sure the brother said the prayer, but he also decided to go try to rescue his brother. My bother (yep meant to spell it that way) probably would have watched it unfold on TV and leave the law enforcement to, um, law enforcement.

A Hero Ain't Nothin but a Sammich

But this brother, arrived at the mall and as he was set to enter the mall from the parking garage, he received a call from his mall bound brother saying he was out and safe. The thing is, the man could have just backed away, gone to meet his brother, and went home. He chose not to, this brave man, he went in and eventually saved this Christian woman and her daughters.

A Hero Ain't Nothin but a Sammich

Hair: Amacci, Klara **PEACE ON EARTH**

The take from? I can hate the actions of Al Qaeda as much as the next person, much of what they do seems a senseless waste of innocent life. But this nagging “us” and “them” mentality? Well, it’s good to remember, things aren’t always as they appear. We should always strive to see people by their face value, not senseless labels, because the Hero? The fellow not even at the mall when it was raided? He was Muslim. Just a happy ending to think about, if you have the time on this busy holiday season.

POE6 – Snowpaws

Not Being There

Not Being ThereHair: D!va, Daisy **Gacha Event** .

For my fathers funeral this Saturday we are allowed to say or write about an event in rememberance of him. My sister has thought of some really fun events in our life, but for the first time ever, the writer is mute. No Word and Peace, Draakje Dailey. In fact, I can’t think of a single remarkable event and I can’t figure out why. I reckon it’s likened to those times you think of something witty to say, after a person has walked away from you. But in the middle of the night, I did decide what I would write for the Reverend to read. And it’s right there in the title, I am going to write about his not being there. That is the greatest lesson my father taught me.

Not Being There

Dress: Snowpaws, Epais **Peace on Earth 6, item#036** .

You see, my father was a pediatrician. On Christmas mornings me, my sisters and my bother (yes, meant to spell it that way), weren’t allowed to peek to see if Santa had stopped by until my father was standing next to the tree taking pictures. Seems a practical matter, doesn’t it? But most Christmas mornings my father was at the hospital, so we would sit anxiously on the bottom step, waiting for my father to return home. Most children don’t really have a sense of real world focus, we tend to think about the world’s reflection of us, not about how we are seen in the world, or in other words, we oft believe the world revolves around our needs, not taking into consideration others. One Christmas, I think I was about six or so, it was an extra long wait stretching almost into the afternoon. Being selfish, and petulant at that age, I asked my mom why dad always had to go to the hospital on Christmas day. Hugging me close, she told me “Because sickness doesn’t take a holiday. And some children don’t get to wait on the bottom step of their home to see if Santa visited them.” I think I aged to adulthood that day, or at least got pretty close to it because I never looked at Christmas the same again.

The take from? Sometimes the best gift a parent can give a child is to not be there. It not only makes the parent a human, it teaches the child, though you love them dearly, no one can possibly be there for them every time they are needed. As for my dad? I can’t help but think he is in heaven surrounded with some of the children he has seen over the years. Some probably made it home for Christmas, perhaps some did not and as they laugh and celebrate this holiday, I hope he will look down fondly at me. as I sit patiently on the bottom step waiting for when I will see him again.

POE6 – *SoliDea FoliEs*, Ever ‘an Angel, Diesel Works

Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth

Headpiece: *SoliDea FoliEs*, Lil Snow **Peace on Earth Hunt** . Hairs: Miamai, Anna . Boa: *SoliDea FoliEs*, Amanda Collar .

Good will to all. It’s that wonderful time of year again, Peace on Earth in SL is in it’s 6th year of existence and this one looks to be one of the best yet. If you’ve never traveled through a Peace on Earth event, I suggest you check it out this year. Why? Because all the gifts are for YOU and all the gift are FREE! If you click on the POE logo to the right of this post, it will take you to the hunt’s blog where you can pick up pointers, hints and sneaky peeks of designers gifts. It’s Friday, and feeling kinda like date night. I hope everyone is having fun and enjoying your space in the world. As for me? It’s a formal, so I better go dig out those spanx.

Peace on Earth

Dress: Siochain by Ever an Angel **Peace on Earth** . POSES: Diesel Works, POE .

Excitement is mounting as we near the start of the famous, biggest, and most popular hunt in Second Life, The Peace On Earth Hunt! It will hit a grid near you starting December 1st and will run through January 6, 2014. There are so many wonderful and very talented designers who have lent their talents in creating awesome gifts for you to hunt for!

Stay tuned for upcoming previews as we await the Sunday, December 1st start! Hunters, get those magnifying glasses out and put on your gumshoes, as The POE6 Hunt will soon hit a grid near you!
