POE5 – BoHo HoBo, Hatpins, Shattered by Aluinn, Pelletteria Morrisey, Empyreal Dreams

POE5 12 BoHo HoBo, Hatpins, Aluinn, Pelletteria Morrisey, Empyreal Dreams 1

People will tell you that homemade Christmas gifts are the best. They will point to shows like Little House on the Prairie and say “Look how happy Laura and Mary were just to get an orange and some hair ribbons in their stockings!”

POE5 12 BoHo HoBo, Hatpins, Aluinn, Pelletteria Morrisey, Empyreal Dreams 2

They do that right before they hand you the coasters they made for you which are basically some hunks of wood painted and with some stickers on them. I didn’t mind so much except that I was only 4 at the time and really not that big of a drinker. I mean my bottle never left my hand, I certainly wasn’t going to leave it on a coffee table somewhere.
Other people like to do up service booklets with things like, “I promise to make your bed for you,” and there will be like 12 coupons and so you get your bed made 12 times. Which I suppose is a swell gift unless it is from your mom and she always makes everyone’s bed.
I had to speak up about that one though. I told my mom that I really felt that was a cop out and then she shared with me that it was hard for her to get her wheel chair through the snow and make it all the way over from the nursing home every day and that she thought maybe she could just wean me off gently …

POE5 12 BoHo HoBo, Hatpins, Aluinn, Pelletteria Morrisey, Empyreal Dreams 4

Am I the only one who is feeling like Christmas is not just what it used to be?

SCARF:  POE5Hatpins
PANTS AND BOOTS:  POE5  – Shattered By Aluinn
HAT AND HAIR:  POE5PelletteriaMorrisey
BOOK TREE:  POE5  – Empyreal Dreams

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